
Tarsk (boar/pigs)

Gorean Definition: a six-tusked wild boar – fat, grunting, brindled, shaggy-maned, hoofed, flat-snorted, rooting, short-legged quadruped, having a bristly mane which runs down its spine to the base of the tail. There is a giant tarsk that stands ten hands at the shoulder and several varieties of both large and small in the rainforests. In the wild, it is viciously aggressive. A common source of meat, and is often roasted whole.

– 3 class of tarsk which do not inter breed: dwarf, common & giant.

Meat: Each size class of tarsk is able to give a different amount of meat.

Common tarsk range from 1-10, starters have a meat level of 5.

Giant tarsk range from 1-15, starters have a meat level of 10.

Dwarf tarsk range from 1-5, however unlike the other sizes of tarsk this number is irrelevant. When divested a dwarf tarsk gives a single whole pig carcass rather than a box of meat.

– Wild tarsk are hunted from the Tarsk Burrow (see below), captured and tamed before they can breed. Wild tarsk do not need food or water, are territorial and will attack. Once domesticated, the tarsk need food, water and care to survive and breed.

– 6 colours of tarsk:
Albino (white with blue eyes)
Brown and black mottled *NEW*
Brown and white *NEW*
Nude (M) – Pink (F) *NEW*

– 3 endangered colours which are no longer found in the tarsk burrow: grey and the black with grey/white plume, referred to as skunk (grey plume on males / white plume on females) since May 2014; and black (with black plume on males / with gray plume on females) since May 2017.

– Live for 61 days. Life Expectancy, which shows in the hover text, is the remaining days of the animals life.

– Becomes an adult at 6 days old.

– First pregnancy at 14 days old then every 16 days (3 pregnancies in the lifetime of the female tarsk). Usually around Life Expectancy 47, 31, 15 – give or take a day or two, depending on whether the previous pregnancy was birthed on time.

– Tarsk food is a recipe cooked on G&S Kitchen:

Tarsk Food  (Comedero de Tarsk)
1x Water (Agua)
2x Flour (Harina)
2x Suls
1x Vulo
1x Bosk Meat (Carne de Bosk)
2x Verr Meat (Carne de Verr)
4x Fish (Pescado)
2x Bowls of Grape (Cuenco de Uva)
2x Bowls of Ka-la-na (Cuenco de Ka-la-na)

Tarsk Feeders starts at 100% food & water
– Water must be rezzed to refill the tarsk feeder
– Feeder will self delete when food level is 0%
1x Tarsk eat 1% & drink 2% every 6 hours

Consumes Food:
1 day = 4%
1 week = 28%

Consumes Water:
1 day = 8%
1 week = 56%

– After death by slaughter or old age, select divest on the menu to receive meat (1-10 meat). Select the” Take meat “option to give you the object “rezzme (meat) [G&S]” rez it next to the tarsk. A low result in the internal dice roll loses two of meat, use the divest knife and energy in the RP-Hud [G&S] to give a plus in dice roll when divesting tarsk.

– You will not receive a tarsk skin only the meat.

– An animal dead for any reason if is not stripped, loses one unit of meat per day until it disappears when has nothing to deliver.

– The dead animal that has already been stripped or has nothing to give you, disappears after an hour.

– Tarsk meat shows the preservation time (8 days) visible in the floating text and in the meat menu, after this time the meat is spoiled (even in the inventory) and can not be used.

– To store tarsk meat for a longer period of time, make baskets in the Basketwork [G&S] and boxes in the Carpentry [G&S], and pack the meat into these containers with the Packaging and labeling (Meats) 1.1 [G&S].  Once packed, place a Rock salt or a basket loaded with salt next to the basket or box of packed meat, and in the menu of the meat container choose the option “load salt”. The meat does not spoil while it remains inside the basket or box that has been salted (even kept in the inventory or inside another object). If meat is extracted from a container (basket or box) that has been salted, the extracted meat loses the effect of salt preservation, and if it is not used it is spoiled in a short period of time. When the box or basket is emptied of meat, it loses the effect of preserving and if used again to pack meat, will require salt to be loaded again.

*Dwarf tarsk meat can only be packed into a box*

– Tarsk meat can be packaged and labelled to be sold or traded; cooked on the stove/kitchen (Magic Cocina) in various recipes; made into bacon, sausages and mince on the butchery which are also used in recipes to be cooked; or fed to tharlarions in the G&S Tharlarion Feeder.

Divest Knife (see tools) can be used when slaughtered to increase chance of max meat box received.

Wild Tarsk Burrow

– Recommended for advanced G&S users.

– Pathfinding must be activated on the sim to hunt wild tarsk.

– If using a platform, it must be set as walkable (found in Pathfinding-Linksets settings), and all linked walls/objects too.

– Each burrow contains between 5 – 10 tarsk to hunt.

– Bow/crossbow, arrows, taming spear, tarsk jail (all manufactured on the Blacksmith Forge)and plenty of food to eat to maintain high RP-Hud energy are needed to capture and tame the wild tarsk. A quiver is optional and will hold 100 arrows, to reload with when needed.

– When you Start the burrow the first tarsk will appear in 30 min.  Move to a safe place/distance eg 20 meters approx. away from the burrow and they will not attack you, they will  just walk around in peace … BUT… once you  approach them or their burrow THEY WILL ATTACK ! These are beasts in their natural aggressive state and will protect their habitat. Once they attack you, and you will loose energy as indicated in your RP-Hud so you will need to keep a safe distance between you and the tarsk. In the case of an attack, try to run as far and as fast as you can from them.

– Shooting a fire arrow into the burrow entrance will smoke out all the tarsk but be ready for a stampede! Do not shoot an arrow into the burrow if there is a tarsk being tamed. Delete all tarsk that are roaming before shooting the fire arrow (deleting a wild tarsk returns it to the burrow). The fire arrow into the burrow will reset it and any tarsk that are rezzed after the fire arrow is shot are no longer active.

– The tarsk may be stubborn to tame. Keep trying. You have 20 minutes to tame the tarsk or it will run away and return to the burrow.

– If you do not rez the jail and finish the taming process in time, the tarsk will disappear and does not return to the burrow.

– If you select kill and to not divest the tarsk within a few minutes, the tarsk will disappear and you lose the meat.

– The tarsk will try to return to the burrow to re-energise when its energy gets to less that 50% … So its important to keep them far from their burrow. Once their energy drops down to 30% they will run desperately to their burrow and will stay recuperating (this is the best time to trap them!) and will only come out again when their at 100% energy.

– The tarsk will disappear and return to the burrow if you shoot its energy below 15%. The tarsk will come out of the burrow again on its next cycle.

Hunting Tips
~by Jimmy Bloch (RandyJim Bloch)~

1.Wear your [G&S]-bow and quiver

Make sure, they are loaded. (Wear the bow and you will see the sign for it in the hud. Click it and you will draw it. It’s active, when it’s green. You can reload the arrows with the “reload” button as long as you have arrows in the quiver. You can reload your QUIVER by standing near an arrow box and touch the quiver. That way you can carry around max. 125 arrows (25 in the bow, 100 in the quiver)

2. Have enough energy and always some food with you.

The wild tarsks BITE! It not only gives you damage on the GM, you also will be frozen. The lower your energy, the longer you will be frozen. The higher your energy, the faster you will recover. (That’s that black ring around your head)

3. The best way to hit them is….

… when they attack your frontal. You run backwards and shoot at them. It’s hard to hit them from the side, easy from the front

4. To trap them

When their health is below 50% you can trap them with a trap-arrow. Say “trap arrow” or “/1 trap arrow” in chat or use this gesture (which is much easier):

Keep in mind, that ONLY the NEXT arrow will be a trap arrow. After that it changes back to normal arrow. So if you are not able to trap it with the first arrow, you have to use the gesture again (… and again… and again…).

5. When you captured it

… the tarsk will fall aside. You have 20 minutes to tame it. A taming spear is useful for that and some food for extra energy. You need a tarsk cage to turn a wild tarsk into a tamed tarsk.

Information & Help Files:
(scroll down in documents for English and other language translations)
Tarsk & Burrow 2.0
Packaging and Labeling (Meats) – Multi Meat Packer

G&S Recipes: Ingredient Tarsk Meat

Baked Dwarf Tarsk with Suls
1x Dwarf Tarsk (Tarsk Enano)
1x Paga Bowl (Cuenco Paga)
1x Suls

Baked Tarsk
(Tarsk al Horno)
1x Dwarf Tarsk (Tarsk Enano)

Beer Tarsk
(Tarsk a la Cerveza)
1x Bacon (Beicon)
1x Suls
2x Tarsk Meat (Carne de Tarsk)
1x Beer (Cerveza)

Tarsk in Ka-la-na Sauce
2x Bowl of Ka-la-na (Frutero de Ka-la-na)
2x Cream (Nata)
2x Tarsk Meat (Carne de Tarsk)

Tarsk Roast with Egg
2x Tarsk Meat (Carne de Tarsk)
1x Egg (Huevo)

Tarsk Roast with Egg & Suls
1x Tarsk Meat (Carne de Tarsk)
1x Suls
1x Egg (Huevo

Tarsk Rosbif
3x Tarsk Meat (Carne de Tarsk)
1x Butter (Mantequilla)
1x Flour (Harina)
1x Suls
1x Beer (Cerveza)

Tarsk Steak
(Filete de Tarsk)
1x Tarsk Meat (Carne de Tarsk)

Tarsk Stew
(Guiso de Tarsk)
1x Water (Agua)
2x Tarsk Meat (Carne de Tarsk)
1x Chorizo
1x Black Sausage (Morcilla)

Tarsk Stew with Suls
(Calderata de Tarsk)
3x Tarsk Meat (Carne de Tarsk)
1x Water (Agua)
2x Suls

G&S Recipes: Ingredient Bacon

Bacon – Fried
(Beicon Frito)
1x Bacon (Beicon)

Bacon & Cheese Toast
(Tostada de Bacon y Queso)
1x Bread (Pan)
1x Bacon (Beicon)
1x Cheese Plate (Plato de Queso)

Bacon with Egg
(Bacon con Huevo)
1x Bacon (Beicon)
1x Egg (Huevo)

Bacon, Egg & Toast
(Tostada, Bacon y Huevo)
1x Bacon (Beicon)
1x Egg (Huevo)
1x Bread (Pan)

Bacon Pie
(Pastel de Bacon)
1x Suls
1x Butter (Mantequilla)
1x Bacon (Beicon)
2x Egg (Huevo)
1x Fish (Pescado)

Beer Tarsk
(Tarsk a la Cerveza)
1x Bacon (Beicon)
1x Suls
2x Tarsk Meat (Carne de Tarsk)
1x Beer (Cerveza)

Crumbs War
(Migas de Guerra)
1x Chorizo
1x Bacon (Beicon)
1x Rence Bread (Harina de Rence)

Larded Tuna
(Atus Mechado)
2x Tuna Portion (Porcion Atun)
1x Bacon (Beicon)
1x Flour (Harina)
1x Butter (Mantequilla)
1x Suls

Mashed Suls with Bacon
(Pure de Suls con Tropezones)
1x Suls
1x Milk (Leche)
1x Butter (Mantequilla)
1x Bacon (Beicon)
1x Rence Bread (Pan de Rence)

Rence Arrows
(Flechas de Rence)
1x Rence Tortilla (Tortas de Rence)
1x Bacon (Beicon)
1x Cheese (Plato de Queso)
1x Rice (Arroz)