
Something completely different in [G&S] … KaissaWar is a real-time strategy game. Practice fighting against the training city, select your warriors and challenge your opponent in a city-to-city combat. Who manages to destroy the enemy city wins!

In the [G&S] Main Store you can find further information and TP to a [KS] Play Zone to test KaissaWar fighting against an adversary or the Training City.

Information & Help Files:
SecondLife Group: [G&S] KaissaWar
Help Doc: KaissaWar

KaissaWar Starter Kit contains the following:
KaissaWar [KW][G&S] (the game control city)
– City [KW][G&S] (your city)
– City (Trainer) [KW][G&S]
– Ground Board 20×40 [KW][G&S]
– 6 Summons ( Free Citizen
, Amazon Warrior, Red Warrior, Kurii, Healing Shaman and Renegade Priest)


1. Set up your play area
Be sure that Pathfinding is active, and the prims around are well configured.
Rez the Ground Board 20×40 [KW][G&S] (a simple prim, without script, with which you can easily see the play area).
Rez the KaissaWar [KW][G&S] on the Ground Board, over the KaissaWar black tag.

2. Prepare your city
When you have chosen your 5 Summons, put them inside the City [KW][G&S] object (see Summons information below).

3. Prepare to fight
Rezz your City (with the 5 Summons inside) on your favorite side of the board. You don’t need to measure with a ruler, you also don’t need to rotate the objects, those things are handled by scripts.
Your opponent must rez their City on the other side of the board, or you can play alone, versus a training robot object called City (Trainer) [KW] [G&S]. Rezz it on the other side of the board. 

4. Fight!
The game starts and your Summons will rez behind your City.
When you have enough summon points you can click on the summon object of the creature that you want summon. The cost of the summons will be subtracted from the city summon points, and the creature will appear next to your city.
The city loses life points every time an enemy creature attacks it.

The player whose city loses all its life points, loses the game!

5. Play again
– If the summons are already rezzed from a previous game and you don’t want to change them, you can click on your city. It will turn green and everything will be ready to play again.
– If you want to change the summon, take them to your inventory, and prepare your city again.


There are 6 different basic Summons in the Starter Kit, and 4 extra Summons. Each of them has different abilities and characteristics. They are unique objects. Be careful not to lose them!

You must choose 5, only 5, no more no less to add to the content of your ‘city’ to play.

You can use repeated summons if you have several of them, for example 3 Kurii and 2 Amazon Warriors (you will need 3 summons Kurri and 2 summons Amazon Warriors).

On the lower part of the summons object you can read the characteristics of the creature.

Summon Points: Summon points needed to summon this creature.
Reload Time: Mandatory waiting time before summon again
Attack Damage: It is the damage it will do in each successful attack
Hit Chance: Probability of getting a successful attack
Range: Maximum distance at which it can hit the enemy
Life Points: Amount of damage that can withstand before death
Speed: Speed of movement.

In some summons you can find the explanation of some special skills. Other abilities/characteristics you must learn by playing …

*Additional Basic Summons and Extra Summons are available to purchase separately.

Basic Summons
(Starter Kit)

Summons NameDescription
Amazon Warrior

Summon Points: 14
Reload Time: 5s
Attack Damage: 1
Hit Chance: 100%
Range: 2m
Life Points: 2
Speed: 1/2
Free Citizen

Summon Points: 10
Reload Time: 5s
Attack Damage: 1
Hit Chance: 50%
Range: 2m
Life Points: 1
Speed: 1/2
Healing Shaman

Summon Points: 15
Reload Time: 5s
Attack Damage: 1
Hit Chance: 50%
Range: 2m
Life Points: 1
Speed: 1/2

*Heal all allies (and himself) in a radius of 3m 1 Point every 5 seconds

Summon Points:27
Reload Time: 5s
Attack Damage: 2
Hit Chance: 80%
Range: 2m
Life Points: 3
Speed: 1/2

*Regenerate 1 Life Point every 5 seconds
Red Warrior

Summon Points: 15
Reload Time: 5s
Attack Damage: 2
Hit Chance: 70%
Range: 2m
Life Points: 2
Speed: 1/2
Renegade Priest

Summon Points: 17
Reload Time: 5s
Attack Damage: 1
Hit Chance: 50%
Range: 3m
Life Points: 1
Speed: 1/2

*All allies within 3m radius increase Life Points by +3

Extra Summons

Summons NameDescription
Dwarf Headstrong

Summon Points: 13
Reload Time: 5s
Attack Damage: 1
Hit Chance: 75%
Range: 2m
Life Points: 2
Speed: 1/2

*Attack damage taken is reduced to 1

Summon Points: 16
Reload Time: 5s
Attack Damage: 1
Hit Chance: 75%
Range: 4m
Life Points: 1
Speed: 1/2
Silver Knight

Summon Points: 16
Reload Time: 5s
Attack Damage: 1
Hit Chance: 75%
Range: 2m
Life Points: 1
Speed: 1/2

*75% chance of blocking long range attacks (more than 2m)

*25% chance of blocking melee attached (2m or less)
War Elephant

Summon Points: 48
Reload Time: 200s
Attack Damage: 2
Hit Chance: 10%
Range: 2m
Life Points: 25
Speed: 1/2

*The War Elephant does not chase the enemy, its objective is always the enemy city